Pearls To Be A Muslim  

Arabic Alphabetic Seeds: DNA of Qur’an Words

Arabic letters are more than mere symbols; they are the seeds containing and encoding the DNA of manifest words, birthing the intricate tri-letter root forms that compose the entire tree of linguistic expression. Like seeds planted in fertile soil, these letters germinate and give rise to a vast network of words and meanings, branching out to form the intricate canopy of Arabic vocabulary. Each letter plays a vital role in shaping the linguistic landscape, from the sturdy trunk of common roots to the delicate foliage of nuanced expressions. In this way, Arabic letters are the fundamental building blocks of language, nourishing the growth of words and facilitating communication and understanding.

We hope this guide helps you understand Arabic.


Firstly the diacritic marks:

In the nuanced and ornate structure of the Arabic language, each diacritical mark (or harakat) plays a crucial role in defining pronunciation. Beyond their phonetic importance, these diacritics—Fatha, Kasra, and Damma—can also be seen as symbolically resonant with the meanings of the words they help form. This perspective offers a poetic interpretation of Arabic orthography, where the placement of diacritics might metaphorically reflect thematic aspects of words.

Fatha (فتحة) – Symbolizing Openness and Elevation

Fatha, a small diagonal stroke placed above a letter, opens the pronunciation to an “a” sound. Thematically, it can be viewed as representing openness, expansiveness, or an upward reach, aligning with concepts that are broad or elevated. Also referring to individuality:

  1. صَحراء (Sahraa’) – “Desert”: The vast, open expanses of the desert mirror the openness indicated by Fatha.
  2. جَبَل (Jabal) – “Mountain”: Symbolizing upward stretch and height, echoing the vertical placement of Fatha.
  3. فَتْح (Fath) – “Victory”: Often associated with breakthroughs and openings, akin to the expansive sound of Fatha.
  4. مَلَك (Malak) – “Angel”: Beings thought to reside in the heavens, above, reflecting Fatha’s elevation.
  5. سَماء (Samaa’) – “Sky”: Encompassing and overarching, fitting the expansiveness suggested by Fatha.

Kasra (كسرة) – Symbolizing Foundation and Depth

Kasra, placed below a letter to indicate an “i” sound, might symbolically relate to foundational or underlying concepts, as it is positioned at the base of characters:

  1. زِنزانة (Zinzanah) – “Cell”: A confined, lower space, quite literally foundational or base-level.
  2. مِفتاح (Miftah) – “Key”: Essential for opening or accessing, metaphorically a foundation for entry.
  3. سِرّ (Sirr) – “Secret”: Something deeply held or kept below the surface.
  4. جِذر (Jidhr) – “Root”: Located below ground, fundamental for a plant’s growth.
  5. عِلم (Ilm) – “Knowledge”: A base or foundation of understanding and intellect.

Damma (ضمة) – Symbolizing Wholeness and Enclosure

Damma, a small curl-like mark above a letter, produces an “u” sound and thematically could symbolize completeness or an encircling quality or a collection or plurality:

  1. دُنيا (Dunya) – “World”: Encompassing all of earthly existence, aligning with the holistic aspect of Damma.
  2. بُحر (Bahr) – “Sea”: Encircling continents, vast and encompassing.
  3. قُرب (Qurb) – “Proximity”: Being close within an enclosing area, fitting Damma’s theme.
  4. وُد (Wudd) – “Affection”: Often felt as enveloping or surrounding emotionally.
  5. حُب (Hub) – “Love”: Encompassing, embracing fully, much like the round, embracing nature of Damma.

While these symbolic interpretations are not part of traditional Arabic linguistic education, they provide a rich, imaginative framework for understanding the depth of Arabic vocabulary, offering learners and scholars alike a poetic lens through which to view the language. This approach enhances appreciation for Arabic’s unique ability to blend phonetic precision with deep semantic richness.

Now to the letters:

Opposites: Arabic roots often embody a spectrum of meanings, including antonyms, based on their context and construction. This duality reflects the fluidity of the language, where a single root can express concepts that are seemingly opposite yet connected through a central theme. For instance, a root may indicate both life and death, or concealment and revelation, emphasizing the comprehensive nature of the root’s meaning.

Action-Orientation: Many Arabic roots are inherently verb-based, denoting action, state, or transformation. These roots serve as the linguistic DNA for families of words that describe processes, changes, or movements. Consider actions in the root’s description in lieu of the dynamic and temporal aspects of the language, to decode verbs, nouns, and derived forms.

1. Alif (ا): Resembles a spine, shoot, or pillar:

   – Usage: Sovereignty, Origin.

   – Example: “Ummah” – community.

  • Root: A-M-M (أ-م-ة)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the strength and stability of a pillar, representing the foundational aspect of community and society.

More examples:

  1. أَرْضٌ (Ardun) – Root: أ-ر-ض (ʾ-R-Ḍ) – Definition: Earth, land
  2. أَمَرَ (Amara) – Root: أ-م-ر (ʾ-M-R) – Definition: To command, to order
  3. أَمَّنَ (Ammana) – Root: أ-م-ن (ʾ-M-N) – Definition: To trust, to feel secure
  4. أَبٌ (Abun) – Root: أ-ب-و (ʾ-B-W) – Definition: Father
  5. أَخْذٌ (Akhdhun) – Root: أ-خ-ذ (ʾ-Ḫ-Ḍ) – Definition: Taking, seizing
  6. أَيَّامٌ (Ayyamun) – Root: أ-ي-م (ʾ-Y-M) – Definition: Days
  7. أَدَمَ (Adama) – Root: أ-د-م (ʾ-D-M) – Definition: To create, to make
  8. أَمَلٌ (Amalun) – Root: أ-م-ل (ʾ-M-L) – Definition: Hope, expectation
  9. أَعْلَمُ (Aʿlamu) – Root: أ-ع-ل (ʾ-ʿ-L) – Definition: To know, to be aware
  10. أَسْوَةٌ (Uswatun) – Root: أ-س-و (ʾ-S-W) – Definition: Example, model

2. Ba (ب): With the dot – seed or anchor below ground, it is similar to a building, building block or a foundation stone. It’s also a gate:

   – Usage: Gate, Entry, Foundation, Element, Origin, Beginning, Source. Could be going a distance, like sight, or far off.

   – Example: “Bait” – house.

   – Root: B-Y-T (ب-ي-ت)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the solidity and stability of a foundation. Building blocks and entry points of existence in person, place, space and time.

More examples:

  1. بَيْتٌ (Baytun) – Root: ب-ي-ت (B-Y-T) – Definition: House
  2. بَابٌ (Baabun) – Root: ب-و-ب (B-W-B) – Definition: Door
  3. بَحْرٌ (Bahrun) – Root: ب-ح-ر (B-Ḥ-R) – Definition: Sea
  4. بَنَاءٌ (Banaa’un) – Root: ب-ن-ء (B-N-ʾ) – Definition: Builder, constructor
  5. بَعِيدٌ (Ba’eedun) – Root: ب-ع-د (B-ʿ-D) – Definition: Distant, far
  6. بَرٌّ (Barrun) – Root: ب-ر-ر (B-R-R) – Definition: Good, righteous
  7. بَشَرٌ (Basharun) – Root: ب-ش-ر (B-Sh-R) – Definition: Human, mankind
  8. بَلَدٌ (Baladun) – Root: ب-ل-د (B-L-D) – Definition: City, town
  9. بَيَّنَةٌ (Bayyinatun) – Root: ب-ي-ن (B-Y-N) – Definition: Clear evidence, proof
  10. بَعْثٌ (Ba’thun) – Root: ب-ع-ث (B-ʿ-Ṯ) – Definition: Resurrection, raising (from the dead)

3. Ta (ت): Resembles a sprout or shoot, with the two shoot dots above the ground:

   – Usage: Growth, Development, Emergence, Cleavage.

   – Example: “Talaq” – divorce.

   – Root: T-L-Q (ت-ل-ق)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the emergence and growth of new life, reflecting the developmental aspect of relationships and societal changes.

More examples:

  1. تَقْوَىٰ (Taqwa) – Root: ت-ق-و (T-Q-W) – Definition: Piety, righteousness
  2. تَعْلِيمٌ (Taʿlimun) – Root: ت-ع-ل (T-ʿ-L) – Definition: Education, instruction
  3. تَوْبَةٌ (Tawbatun) – Root: ت-و-ب (T-W-B) – Definition: Repentance
  4. تَرَكَ (Taraqa) – Root: ت-ر-ك (T-R-K) – Definition: To leave, to abandon
  5. تَفَكُّرٌ (Tafakkurun) – Root: ت-ف-ك-ر (T-F-K-R) – Definition: Contemplation, reflection
  6. تَغْفِيرٌ (Taghfirun) – Root: ت-غ-ف-ر (T-Gh-F-R) – Definition: Forgiveness
  7. تَوَكُّلٌ (Tawakkulun) – Root: ت-و-ك-ل (T-W-K-L) – Definition: Trust, reliance
  8. تَقَوَّىٰ (Taqawwa) – Root: ت-ق-و-ي (T-Q-W-Y) – Definition: To strengthen oneself, to fortify
  9. تَهْلُكٌ (Tahlukun) – Root: ت-ه-ل-ك (T-H-L-K) – Definition: Destruction, ruin
  10. تَفْسِيرٌ (Tafsirun) – Root: ت-ف-س-ر (T-F-S-R) – Definition: Interpretation, explanation

4. Tha (ث): Similar to a tree, firm rooted, strong; pyramid three dots bush above ground, also like three fruits on a tree.

   – Usage: Progress, Expansion, Tree-Growth and depth, Transformation, Numerical Significance, Duplicate, Replicate, Three or Tripple, Strengthen, Ethical Dynamics.

   – Example: “Thawr” – bull.

   – Root: T-H-W-R (ث-و-ر)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the branching out and expansion of ideas or physical forms, akin to the growth of branches on a tree.

More examples:

  1. ثَوَابٌ (Thawabun) – Root: ث-و-ب (Th-W-B) – Definition: Reward, recompense
  2. ثَبَّتَ (Thabbata) – Root: ث-ب-ت (Th-B-T) – Definition: To establish, to confirm
  3. ثَبِّتْ (Thabbit) – Root: ث-ب-ت (Th-B-T) – Definition: Make firm, strengthen
  4. ثَلَاثَةٌ (Thalathatun) – Root: ث-ل-ث (Th-L-Th) – Definition: Three
  5. ثَلَاثِينَ (Thalathina) – Root: ث-ل-ث (Th-L-Th) – Definition: Thirty
  6. ثَقَلَيْنِ (Thaqalayni) – Root: ث-ق-ل (Th-Q-L) – Definition: The two heavy things, referring to the Quran and Sunnah
  7. ثَعُولٌ (Thaʿulun) – Root: ث-ع-ل (Th-ʿ-L) – Definition: Misguided, astray
  8. ثَاقِلَةٌ (Thaqilatun) – Root: ث-ق-ل (Th-Q-L) – Definition: Heavy, burdensome
  9. ثَارٌ (Tharun) – Root: ث-ا-ر (Th-Ā-R) – Definition: Revenge, retaliation
  10. ثَانِيَةٌ (Thaniyatun) – Root: ث-ن-ي (Th-N-Y) – Definition: Second

5. Jeem (ج): Resembles a lifted arm or a cupped hand or clamp. A big container gathering as it moves:

   – Usage: Gathering, Grasping, Achieving, Reaching.

   – Example: “Jannah” – paradise.

   – Root: J-N-N (ج-ن-ن)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes reaching out or achieving goals, akin to the gesture of extending one’s hand to grasp or achieve something.

More examples:

  1. جَمَعَ (Jama’a) – Root: ج-م-ع (J-M-ʿ) – Definition: To gather, to collect
  2. جَهَنَّمُ (Jahannamu) – Root: ج-ه-م (J-H-M) – Definition: Hellfire
  3. جَنَّةٌ (Jannah) – Root: ج-ن-ن (J-N-N) – Definition: Paradise, garden
  4. جَادَلَ (Jadala) – Root: ج-د-ل (J-D-L) – Definition: To argue, to debate
  5. جَعَلَ (Ja’ala) – Root: ج-ع-ل (J-ʿ-L) – Definition: To make, to create
  6. جَلَوْسٌ (Jalūsun) – Root: ج-ل-س (J-L-S) – Definition: Sitting, seating
  7. جَبَلٌ (Jabalun) – Root: ج-ب-ل (J-B-L) – Definition: Mountain
  8. جَوَابٌ (Jawabun) – Root: ج-و-ب (J-W-B) – Definition: Answer, response
  9. جَاءَ (Jā’a) – Root: ج-ء-ي (J-ʾ-Y) – Definition: To come, to arrive
  10. جَارٌ (Jārun) – Root: ج-و-ر (J-W-R) – Definition: Neighbor

6. Ha (ح): Similar to a mouth or a breath of air:

   – Usage: Breath, Life, Man, Guidance and Praise.

   – Example: “Huda” – guidance.

   – Root: H-D-Y (ح-د-ي)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the intake of breath or the essence of life, reflecting the vital aspect of guidance, spiritual enlightenment ad praise.

  1. حَقِيقَةٌ (Haqīqatun) – Root: ح-ق-و (Ḥ-Q-W) – Definition: Reality, truth
  2. حَرَامٌ (Ḥarāmun) – Root: ح-ر-م (Ḥ-R-M) – Definition: Forbidden, unlawful
  3. حُبٌّ (Ḥubun) – Root: ح-ب-ب (Ḥ-B-B) – Definition: Love, affection
  4. حَسَنَةٌ (Ḥasanatun) – Root: ح-س-ن (Ḥ-S-N) – Definition: Good deed, virtue
  5. حَمْدٌ (Ḥamdun) – Root: ح-م-د (Ḥ-M-D) – Definition: Praise, gratitude
  6. حِجَابٌ (Ḥijābun) – Root: ح-ج-ب (Ḥ-J-B) – Definition: Veil, barrier
  7. حَلَالٌ (Ḥalālun) – Root: ح-ل-ل (Ḥ-L-L) – Definition: Permissible, lawful
  8. حَقُّ (Ḥaqqun) – Root: ح-ق-و (Ḥ-Q-W) – Definition: Right, truth
  9. حَاضِرٌ (Ḥāḍirun) – Root: ح-ض-ر (Ḥ-Ḍ-R) – Definition: Present, ready
  10. حَكِيمٌ (Ḥakīmun) – Root: ح-ك-م (Ḥ-K-M) – Definition: Wise, knowledgeable

7. Kha (خ): Resembles an arch or a curved horizon, with the mark-dot above:

   – Usage: Expansion, Reverence.

   – Example: “Khatam” – seal.

   – Root: K-T-M (خ-ت-م)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the expansive nature of the horizon or the arc of the heavens, representing the vastness and reverence of creation.

More examples:

  1. خَلْقٌ (Khalqun) – Root: خ-ل-ق (Kha-L-Q) – Definition: Creation, creatures
  2. خَيْرٌ (Khayrun) – Root: خ-ي-ر (Kha-Y-R) – Definition: Goodness, virtue
  3. خَافَ (Khāfa) – Root: خ-و-ف (Kha-W-F) – Definition: Fear, to fear
  4. خَلَقَ (Khalaqa) – Root: خ-ل-ق (Kha-L-Q) – Definition: To create
  5. خُطُوَةٌ (Khutwah) – Root: خ-ط-و (Kha-Ṭ-W) – Definition: Footstep, stride
  6. خَلَاصٌ (Khalaṣun) – Root: خ-ل-ص (Kha-L-Ṣ) – Definition: Salvation, deliverance
  7. خَلِيفَةٌ (Khilīfatun) – Root: خ-ل-ف (Kha-L-F) – Definition: Successor, vicegerent
  8. خَوْفٌ (Khawfun) – Root: خ-و-ف (Kha-W-F) – Definition: Fear
  9. خَيْرِيَّةٌ (Khayriyyatun) – Root: خ-ي-ر (Kha-Y-R) – Definition: Charitable act, benevolence
  10. خَلْدٌ (Khaladun) – Root: خ-ل-د (Kha-L-D) – Definition: Eternity, immortality

8. Dal (د): Similar to a pathway or a road:

   – Usage: Path, Journey.

   – Example: “Dunya” – world.

   – Root: D-N-W (د-ن-و)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the straight path or journey ahead, akin to the trajectory of a road or pathway through life.

More examples:

  1. دَارٌ (Dārun) – Root: د-و-ر (Dal-W-R) – Definition: Abode, home
  2. دِينٌ (Dīnun) – Root: د-ي-ن (Dal-Y-N) – Definition: Religion, faith
  3. دُنْيَا (Dunyā) – Root: د-ن-و (Dal-N-W) – Definition: World, life (as opposed to the Hereafter)
  4. دَرْجَةٌ (Darjatun) – Root: د-ر-ج (Dal-R-J) – Definition: Degree, rank
  5. دَاعٍ (Dāʿin) – Root: د-و-ع (Dal-W-ʿ) – Definition: Caller, inviter
  6. دَعْوَةٌ (Daʿwatun) – Root: د-ع-و (Dal-ʿ-W) – Definition: Invocation, supplication
  7. دَابَّةٌ (Dābbatun) – Root: د-ب-و (Dal-B-W) – Definition: Creature, animal
  8. دَارِيَةٌ (Dāriyatun) – Root: د-ر-ي (Dal-R-Y) – Definition: Wind-carrying clouds
  9. دَمْ (Dam) – Root: د-م-م (Dal-M-M) – Definition: Blood
  10. دَمْعٌ (Damʿun) – Root: د-م-ع (Dal-M-ʿ) – Definition: Tear

9. Thal (ذ): Resembles a flowing river or a wave, with a yield dot or fruit on top:

   – Usage: Flow, Continuity.

   – Example: “Thimar” – fruit.

   – Root: Th-M-R (ذ-م-ر)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the continuous flow of water or energy, reflecting the perpetual cycle of growth and fruition.

More examples:

  1. ذُو الْقُرْبَىٰ (Dhū al-Qurbā) – Root: ذ-ق-ب (Dh-Q-B) – Definition: One of close relationship
  2. ذُوقٌ (Dhūqun) – Root: ذ-و-ق (Dh-W-Q) – Definition: Taste, flavor
  3. ذَاكِرٌ (Dhākirun) – Root: ذ-ك-ر (Dh-K-R) – Definition: Remembering, one who remembers
  4. ذَلِكَ (Dhālika) – Root: ذ-ل-ك (Dh-L-K) – Definition: That, referring to something far or in the past
  5. ذَرَّةٌ (Dharratun) – Root: ذ-ر-ر (Dh-R-R) – Definition: Atom, particle
  6. ذُو الْمَعَارِجِ (Dhū al-Ma’āriji) – Root: ذ-ع-ر (Dh-‘-R) – Definition: Possessor of the ascent
  7. ذُو الْقَوْلِ (Dhū al-Qawl) – Root: ذ-ق-ل (Dh-Q-L) – Definition: Speaker, one who utters
  8. ذَاتٌ (Dhātun) – Root: ذ-و-ت (Dh-W-T) – Definition: Entity, thing
  9. ذَلِكَ (Dhālika) – Root: ذ-ل-ك (Dh-L-K) – Definition: That, referring to something far or in the past
  10. ذَا النُّونِ (Dhā an-Nūni) – Root: ذ-و-ن (Dh-W-N) – Definition: One of the fish (referring to Prophet Yunus)

10. Ra (ر): Resembles a flowing stream or a path, also the paddle, and an embracing arm:

    – Usage: Flow, Movement, Mercy.

    – Example: “Rahma” – mercy.

    – Root: R-H-M (ر-ح-م)

    – Elemental Description: Represents the fluidity and movement of energy or compassion, akin to the flow of a river or the path of mercy.

More examples:

  1. رَحْمَةٌ (Raḥmah) – Root: ر-ح-م (R-Ḥ-M) – Definition: Mercy, compassion
  2. رَبٌّ (Rabbun) – Root: ر-ب-ب (R-B-B) – Definition: Lord, sustainer
  3. رُؤْيَا (Ru’ya) – Root: ر-ء-و (R-’-W) – Definition: Vision, dream
  4. رَسُولٌ (Rasūlun) – Root: ر-س-ل (R-S-L) – Definition: Messenger, apostle
  5. رَجُلٌ (Rajulun) – Root: ر-ج-ل (R-J-L) – Definition: Man, person
  6. رَحِيمٌ (Raḥīmun) – Root: ر-ح-م (R-Ḥ-M) – Definition: Merciful, compassionate
  7. رِزْقٌ (Rizqun) – Root: ر-ز-ق (R-Z-Q) – Definition: Sustenance, provision
  8. رَسْمٌ (Rasmun) – Root: ر-س-م (R-S-M) – Definition: Drawing, sketching
  9. رَبِيعٌ (Rabī’un) – Root: ر-ب-ع (R-B-‘) – Definition: Spring (season)
  10. رَبَّنَا (Rabbana) – Root: ر-ب-ب (R-B-B) – Definition: Our Lord

11. Za (ز): Resembles a flowing river or a stream, bit with an achievement dot on top:

   – Usage: Flow, Abundance.

   – Example: “Zabur” – Psalms.

   – Root: Z-B-R (ز-ب-ر)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the continuous flow of knowledge or inspiration, akin to the flowing waters of a river or stream.

More examples:

  1. زَكَاةٌ (Zakātun) – Root: ز-ك-و (Z-K-W) – Definition: Almsgiving, charity
  2. زَوْجٌ (Zawjun) – Root: ز-و-ج (Z-W-J) – Definition: Spouse, mate
  3. زُهْرَةٌ (Zuhrah) – Root: ز-ه-ر (Z-H-R) – Definition: Flower, blossom
  4. زِينَةٌ (Zīnatun) – Root: ز-ي-ن (Z-Y-N) – Definition: Adornment, decoration
  5. زَادٌ (Zādun) – Root: ز-و-د (Z-W-D) – Definition: Provision, sustenance
  6. زُلْفَىٰ (Zulfā) – Root: ز-ل-ف (Z-L-F) – Definition: Nearness, closeness
  7. زَمَانٌ (Zamānun) – Root: ز-م-ن (Z-M-N) – Definition: Time, period
  8. زَلْزَلَةٌ (Zalzalah) – Root: ز-ل-ز (Z-L-Z) – Definition: Earthquake, tremor
  9. زَادَ (Zāda) – Root: ز-و-د (Z-W-D) – Definition: To increase, to grow
  10. زَاجِرٌ (Zājirun) – Root: ز-ج-ر (Z-J-R) – Definition: Reproacher, denier

12. Seen (س): A number of Ppillars, also has the below ground hook or anchor of humility:

   – Usage: Path, Clarity, Submission, Numerical.

   – Example: “Sajdah” – prostration.

   – Root: S-J-D (س-ج-د)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the clear and straight path of guidance, akin to a well-defined road leading to enlightenment.

More examples:

  1. سَمَاءٌ (Samāun) – Root: س-م-و (S-M-W) – Definition: Sky, heavens
  2. سُبْحَانَ (Subḥāna) – Root: س-ب-ح (S-B-Ḥ) – Definition: Glory be to, exalted is
  3. سَلَامٌ (Salāmun) – Root: س-ل-م (S-L-M) – Definition: Peace, greeting
  4. سَعْرٌ (Saʿrun) – Root: س-ع-ر (S-ʿ-R) – Definition: Price, value
  5. سَابِقٌ (Sābiqun) – Root: س-ب-ق (S-B-Q) – Definition: Foremost, pioneer
  6. سَنَةٌ (Sannah) – Root: س-ن-و (S-N-W) – Definition: Year
  7. سَحَابٌ (Sahābun) – Root: س-ح-ب (S-Ḥ-B) – Definition: Cloud, clouds
  8. سَجَدَ (Sajada) – Root: س-ج-د (S-J-D) – Definition: To prostrate, to bow down in worship
  9. سَابِغٌ (Sābiqun) – Root: س-ب-غ (S-B-G) – Definition: Surging, flowing, forerunners
  10. سَجِيٌّ (Sajiyun) – Root: س-ج-ي (S-J-Y) – Definition: Running, flowing

13. Sheen (ش): Below rooted anchor below ground of humility, with the tree or shrub, three dot achievement pyramid on top of the number of pillars:

   – Usage: Height, Power, Humility, Numerical.

   – Example: “Shahada” – testimony.

   – Root: Sh-H-D (ش-ه-د)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the towering height or the powerful surge of energy, akin to the peak of a mountain or the crest of a wave. Humble yourself or prostrate to be powerful.

More examples:

  1. شَمْسٌ (Shamsun) – Root: ش-م-س (Sh-M-S) – Definition: Sun
  2. شَهِيدٌ (Shahīdun) – Root: ش-ه-د (Sh-H-D) – Definition: Witness, martyr
  3. شَكَرَ (Shakara) – Root: ش-ك-ر (Sh-K-R) – Definition: To give thanks, to be grateful
  4. شَجَرَةٌ (Shajaratun) – Root: ش-ج-ر (Sh-J-R) – Definition: Tree
  5. شَهْرٌ (Shahrun) – Root: ش-ه-ر (Sh-H-R) – Definition: Month
  6. شَيْطَانٌ (Shayṭānun) – Root: ش-ي-ط (Sh-Y-Ṭ) – Definition: Satan, devil
  7. شَهِيدٌ (Shahīdun) – Root: ش-ه-د (Sh-H-D) – Definition: Witness, observer
  8. شَيْءٌ (Shayʾun) – Root: ش-ي-ء (Sh-Y-ʾ) – Definition: Thing, object
  9. شَفَاعَةٌ (Shafāʿatun) – Root: ش-ف-ع (Sh-F-ʿ) – Definition: Intercession, mediation
  10. شَعَرٌ (Shaʿarun) – Root: ش-ع-ر (Sh-ʿ-R) – Definition: Hair

14. Sad (ص): Below ground rooted humility or submission anchor with the hook that links back to starting point:

   – Usage: Stability, Endurance, Difficulty, Success, Ascension, Submission.

   – Example: “Sadaqah” – charity.

   – Root: S-D-Q (ص-د-ق)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the solid and enduring and difficult aspect of charity or righteousness, akin to the immovable presence of a mountain and the related ascension.

More examples:

  1. صَلَاةٌ (Salātun) – Root: ص-ل-و (S-L-W) – Definition: Prayer, specifically the ritual prayer of Islam performed at prescribed times.
  2. صَبْرٌ (Sabrun) – Root: ص-ب-ر (S-B-R) – Definition: Patience, endurance in face of adversity.
  3. صِدْقٌ (Sidqun) – Root: ص-د-ق (S-D-Q) – Definition: Truthfulness, honesty.
  4. صِرَاطٌ (Ṣirāṭun) – Root: ص-ر-ط (S-R-T) – Definition: Path, specifically the straight path in a spiritual sense.
  5. صُحُفٌ (Ṣuḥufun) – Root: ص-ح-ف (S-H-F) – Definition: Scrolls, pages, referring to earlier revelations.
  6. صَدْرٌ (Ṣadrun) – Root: ص-د-ر (S-D-R) – Definition: Chest, also metaphorically used for heart or inner self.
  7. صَوْمٌ (Ṣawmun) – Root: ص-و-م (S-W-M) – Definition: Fasting, particularly during the month of Ramadan.
  8. صَنْعٌ (Ṣanʿun) – Root: ص-ن-ع (S-N-‘) – Definition: Making, creation, craftsmanship.
  9. صَخْرَةٌ (Ṣakhrah) – Root: ص-خ-ر (S-KH-R) – Definition: Rock, boulder.
  10. صَمَدٌ (Ṣamadun) – Root: ص-م-د (S-M-D) – Definition: Eternal, absolute, used to describe God as “the Eternal Refuge.”

15. Dad (ض): Below ground rooted submission anchor with the hook that links back to starting point, plus an earthly impact dot on top:

   – Usage: Strength, Resilience, Impact. Being within or departing from this grip/path.

– Example: “ضَلَال” – going astray.

– Root: ض-ل-ل (D-L-L)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the firm and resilient grip or the unwavering strength, akin to the steadfastness of a strong hand. Or going astray from this path.

More examples:

  1. ضَيْفٌ (Ḍayfun) – Root: ض-ي-ف (Ḍ-Y-F) – Definition: Guest, visitor
  2. ضَرَبَ (Ḍaraba) – Root: ض-ر-ب (Ḍ-R-B) – Definition: To strike, to hit, to beat
  3. ضَالٌّ (Ḍāllun) – Root: ض-ل-ل (Ḍ-L-L) – Definition: Astray, misguided
  4. ضَحِكَ (Ḍahika) – Root: ض-ح-ك (Ḍ-Ḥ-K) – Definition: To laugh
  5. ضِيَاءٌ (Ḍiyāʾun) – Root: ض-و-ء (Ḍ-W-ʾ) – Definition: Light, illumination
  6. ضَمِيرٌ (Ḍamīrun) – Root: ض-م-ر (Ḍ-M-R) – Definition: Conscience, inner self
  7. ضَرَّاءٌ (Ḍarrāʾun) – Root: ض-ر-ء (Ḍ-R-ʾ) – Definition: Harm, injury
  8. ضَعْفٌ (Ḍaʿfun) – Root: ض-ع-ف (Ḍ-ʿ-F) – Definition: Weakness
  9. ضَرَاطٌ (Ḍarāṭun) – Root: ض-ر-ط (Ḍ-R-Ṭ) – Definition: Path, way
  10. ضَرَّةٌ (Ḍarraẗun) – Root: ض-ر-ر (Ḍ-R-R) – Definition: Adversity, harm, trouble

16. Ta (ط): Resembles a pathway or work tool, like to till or a guided arrow. It has the hook that links back to start/source:

    – Usage: Guidance, Precision, Toil.

    – Example: “Taqwa” – piety.

    – Root: T-Q-W (ط-ق-و)

    – Elemental Description: Represents the directed and guided aspect of piety or righteousness, akin to the precision of an arrow hitting its mark.

More examples:

  1. طَائِرٌ (Ṭāʾirun) – Root: ط-و-ر (Ṭ-W-R) – Definition: Bird
  2. طَبِيبٌ (Ṭabībun) – Root: ط-ب-ب (Ṭ-B-B) – Definition: Doctor, physician
  3. طَرِيقٌ (Ṭarīqun) – Root: ط-ر-ق (Ṭ-R-Q) – Definition: Path, way
  4. طَيِّبٌ (Ṭayyibun) – Root: ط-ي-ب (Ṭ-Y-B) – Definition: Good, pure, wholesome
  5. طُلُوعٌ (Ṭulūʿun) – Root: ط-ل-و (Ṭ-L-W) – Definition: Rising, emergence
  6. طَلَبٌ (Ṭalabun) – Root: ط-ل-ب (Ṭ-L-B) – Definition: Seeking, request
  7. طَمَعٌ (Ṭamaʿun) – Root: ط-م-ع (Ṭ-M-ʿ) – Definition: Desire, greed
  8. طَاعَةٌ (Ṭāʿatun) – Root: ط-ا-ع (Ṭ-Ā-ʿ) – Definition: Obedience, compliance
  9. طَهُورٌ (Ṭahūrun) – Root: ط-ه-ر (Ṭ-H-R) – Definition: Purity, cleanliness
  10. طَفِيلٌ (Ṭafīlun) – Root: ط-ف-ل (Ṭ-F-L) – Definition: Small, insignificant.

17. Dha (ظ): Similar to a towering structure or a beacon; has earthly impact or achievement dot on top and hook that links back to start/source:

– Usage: Illumination or its Absence (Darkness). Character traits.

– Example: “ظَلَمُوا” (ẓalamū) – they wronged.

– Root: Ẓā-Lā-Mīm (ظ-ل-م)

– Elemental Description: Symbolizes the illumination and manifestation of the content. Can be illuminating the evil.

More examples:

  1. ظَالِمٌ (Ẓālimun) – Root: ظ-ل-م (Ẓ-L-M) – Definition: Oppressor, wrongdoer
  2. ظَرِيفٌ (Ẓarīfun) – Root: ظ-ر-ف (Ẓ-R-F) – Definition: Gentle, kind
  3. ظُلْمَةٌ (Ẓulmatun) – Root: ظ-ل-م (Ẓ-L-M) – Definition: Darkness
  4. ظَنٌّ (Ẓannun) – Root: ظ-ن-ن (Ẓ-N-N) – Definition: Doubt, suspicion
  5. ظَاهِرٌ (Ẓāhirun) – Root: ظ-ه-ر (Ẓ-H-R) – Definition: Apparent, evident
  6. ظُلْمٌ (Ẓulmun) – Root: ظ-ل-م (Ẓ-L-M) – Definition: Oppression, wrongdoing
  7. ظُهُورٌ (Ẓuhūrun) – Root: ظ-ه-ر (Ẓ-H-R) – Definition: Appearance, manifestation
  8. ظَاهِرَةٌ (Ẓāhiratun) – Root: ظ-ه-ر (Ẓ-H-R) – Definition: Manifestation, demonstration
  9. ظُلْمَةٌ (Ẓulmatun) – Root: ظ-ل-م (Ẓ-L-M) – Definition: Darkness, gloominess
  10. ظَنَّةٌ (Ẓannatun) – Root: ظ-ن-ن (Ẓ-N-N) – Definition: Supposition, assumption

18. Ayn (ع): Resembles two eyes or a window:

    – Usage: Insight, Perception.

    – Example: “Amanah” – trust.

    – Root: A-M-N (ع-م-ن)

    – Elemental Description: Represents the insight or perception gained through the eyes or the window to the soul, akin to the clarity of vision.

More examples:

  1. عَلَمٌ (ʿālamun) – Root: ع-ل-م (ʿ-L-M) – Definition: Sign, mark, banner
  2. عَالِمٌ (ʿālimun) – Root: ع-ل-م (ʿ-L-M) – Definition: Scholar, knower
  3. عَبْدٌ (ʿabdun) – Root: ع-ب-د (ʿ-B-D) – Definition: Servant, worshipper
  4. عَمَلٌ (ʿamalun) – Root: ع-م-ل (ʿ-M-L) – Definition: Deed, action
  5. عَافِيَةٌ (ʿāfiyatun) – Root: ع-ف-ي (ʿ-F-Y) – Definition: Well-being, safety
  6. عَلَى (ʿalā) – Root: ع-ل-ي (ʿ-L-Y) – Definition: Upon, on, over
  7. عَيْنٌ (ʿaynun) – Root: ع-ي-ن (ʿ-Y-N) – Definition: Eye, spring
  8. عَدَلٌ (ʿadlun) – Root: ع-د-ل (ʿ-D-L) – Definition: Justice, fairness
  9. عَلْمٌ (ʿilmun) – Root: ع-ل-م (ʿ-L-M) – Definition: Knowledge, science
  10. عَدْلٌ (ʿadlun) – Root: ع-د-ل (ʿ-D-L) – Definition: Justice, fairness

19. Ghayn (غ): Similar to a crescent moon or a hidden treasure:

    – Usage: Concealment, Mystery.

    – Example: “Ghaib” – unseen.

    – Root: G-H-B (غ-ب-و)

    – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the hidden or concealed aspect of the unseen world or the mysterious allure of hidden treasures.

More examples:

  1. غَفَرَ (ghafara) – Root: غ-ف-ر (Gh-F-R) – Definition: To forgive, to pardon
  2. غَارَةٌ (ghāratun) – Root: غ-و-ر (Gh-W-R) – Definition: Raid, ambush
  3. غَرَابَةٌ (gharābatun) – Root: غ-ر-ب (Gh-R-B) – Definition: Strangeness, oddity
  4. غَنِيٌّ (ghaniyyun) – Root: غ-ن-ي (Gh-N-Y) – Definition: Rich, wealthy
  5. غَفِيرٌ (ghafīrun) – Root: غ-ف-ر (Gh-F-R) – Definition: Forgiving, Merciful
  6. غَشَّآءٌ (ghashshāʾun) – Root: غ-ش-أ (Gh-Sh-ʾ) – Definition: Veil, covering
  7. غَرِيبٌ (gharībun) – Root: غ-ر-ب (Gh-R-B) – Definition: Strange, foreign
  8. غَرْقٌ (gharqun) – Root: غ-ر-ق (Gh-R-Q) – Definition: Drowning, submersion
  9. غَافِلٌ (ghāfilun) – Root: غ-ف-ل (Gh-F-L) – Definition: Unaware, heedless
  10. غَيْرٌ (ghayrun) – Root: غ-ي-ر (Gh-Y-R) – Definition: Other, different

20. Fa (ف): Resembles a mountain peak, with achievement dot on top:

    – Usage: Movement, Expansion.

    – Example: “Falah” – success.

    – Root: F-L-H (ف-ل-ح)

    – Elemental Description: Represents the fluid movement or the sweeping motion of success, akin to the flow of a stream or the sweep of a hand.

More examples:

  1. فَاضِلٌ (fāḍilun) – Root: ف-ض-ل (F-Ḍ-L) – Definition: Virtuous, excellent
  2. فَاسِقٌ (fāsiqun) – Root: ف-س-ق (F-S-Q) – Definition: Sinner, transgressor
  3. فَرَاغٌ (farāghun) – Root: ف-ر-غ (F-R-Gh) – Definition: Space, emptiness
  4. فَعُولٌ (faʿūlun) – Root: ف-ع-ل (F-ʿ-L) – Definition: Effective, active
  5. فَعِيلٌ (faʿīlun) – Root: ف-ع-ل (F-ʿ-L) – Definition: Actor, doer
  6. فَرَجٌ (farajun) – Root: ف-ر-ج (F-R-J) – Definition: Opening, relief
  7. فَحْشٌ (faḥshun) – Root: ف-ح-ش (F-Ḥ-Sh) – Definition: Lewdness, indecency
  8. فَرَاشٌ (farāshun) – Root: ف-ر-ش (F-R-Sh) – Definition: Bed, bedding
  9. فَرِيضَةٌ (farīḍatun) – Root: ف-ر-ض (F-R-Ḍ) – Definition: Obligation, duty
  10. فَرَمَ (farama) – Root: ف-ر-م (F-R-M) – Definition: To throw, to cast

21. Qaf (ق): Resembles a mountain peak or a circle with two sprout dots on top:

   – Usage: Centrality, Encirclement, Direction – Upward/Erect, Backward, Toward.

   – Example: “Qalb” – heart.

   – Root: Q-L-B (ق-ل-ب)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the central or encircling aspect of the heart, akin to the prominence of a mountain peak or the containment of a circle.

More examples:

  1. قَوْمٌ (qawmun) – Root: ق-و-م (Q-W-M) – Definition: People, nation
  2. قُرْآنٌ (qurʾānun) – Root: ق-ر-أ (Q-R-ʾ) – Definition: Quran, recitation
  3. قَرَارٌ (qarārun) – Root: ق-ر-ر (Q-R-R) – Definition: Residence, abode
  4. قَلْبٌ (qalbun) – Root: ق-ل-ب (Q-L-B) – Definition: Heart
  5. قَالَ (qāla) – Root: ق-و-ل (Q-W-L) – Definition: He said
  6. قَتَلَ (qatala) – Root: ق-ت-ل (Q-T-L) – Definition: He killed
  7. قِيَامٌ (qiyāmun) – Root: ق-و-م (Q-W-M) – Definition: Standing, rising
  8. قُرَّةُ الْعَيْنِ (qurratu al-ʿayn) – Root: ق-ر-ي (Q-R-Y) – Definition: Delight of the eye, coolness of the eye (an Arabic expression for something that brings comfort or joy)
  9. قُرَّةُ الْقَلْبِ (qurratu al-qalb) – Root: ق-ر-ب (Q-R-B) – Definition: Comfort of the heart (similar to the above expression but focused on the heart)
  10. قَدَرٌ (qadarun) – Root: ق-د-ر (Q-D-R) – Definition: Destiny, decree

22. Kaf (ك): Resembles a cupped hand, bowl or wheelbarrow:

   – Usage: Registry, Containment, Conceal, Cover.

   – Example: “Kitab” – book.

   – Root: K-T-B (ك-ت-ب)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the act of containing or recording knowledge, also concealing or covering, akin to the gesture of a cupped hand or the vessel of a bowl.

More examples:

  1. كَافِرٌ (kāfirun) – Root: ك-ف-ر (K-F-R) – Definition: Disbeliever – act of burying or to cover
  2. كَرِيمٌ (karīmun) – Root: ك-ر-م (K-R-M) – Definition: Generous, noble
  3. كَثِيرٌ (kathīrun) – Root: ك-ث-ر (K-Th-R) – Definition: Many, numerous
  4. كَفَّارَةٌ (kaffāratun) – Root: ك-ف-ر (K-F-R) – Definition: Atonement, expiation
  5. كَلَامٌ (kalāmun) – Root: ك-ل-م (K-L-M) – Definition: Speech, words
  6. كَرْهٌ (karhun) – Root: ك-ر-ه (K-R-H) – Definition: Dislike, aversion
  7. كَوْكَبٌ (kawkabun) – Root: ك-و-ك-ب (K-W-K-B) – Definition: Star, planet
  8. كَافٍ (kāfin) – Root: ك-ف-و (K-F-W) – Definition: Sufficient, enough
  9. كَيْدٌ (kaydun) – Root: ك-ي-د (K-Y-D) – Definition: Plot, scheme
  10. كَوَّامٌ (kawwāmun) – Root: ك-و-م (K-W-M) – Definition: Maintainer, sustainer

23. Lam (ل): Resembles a hooked staff or a sickle work tool: A hook or link or pointer.

   – Usage: Toward, For, To, Reference.

   – Example: “Lisan” – tongue.

   – Root: L-S-N (ل-س-ن)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the directional or guiding aspect of the tongue, akin to the function of a staff or a pointed tool in directing speech. Day turning into night.

More examples:

  1. لَيْلٌ (laylun) – Root: ل-ي-ل (L-Y-L) – Definition: Night
  2. لَبِثُوا (labithū) – Root: ل-ب-ث (L-B-TH) – Definition: To stay, to remain
  3. لَهُمْ (lahum) – Root: ل-ه-م (L-H-M) – Definition: For them
  4. لَعَلَّكُمْ (laʿallakum) – Root: ل-ع-ل (L-ʿ-L) – Definition: Perhaps, maybe
  5. لَعَلِّي (laʿallī) – Root: ل-ع-ل (L-ʿ-L) – Definition: Perhaps, so that
  6. لَعِبَتْ (laʿibat) – Root: ل-ع-ب (L-ʿ-B) – Definition: To play
  7. لَهُ (lahu) – Root: ل-ه (L-H) – Definition: To him, for him
  8. لَازِمُوهُمُ (lāzimūhumu) – Root: ل-ز-م (L-Z-M) – Definition: To keep close, to adhere
  9. لَذَّاتِهِمْ (laḏḏātihim) – Root: ل-ذ-ذ (L-ḏ-ḏ) – Definition: Pleasures, delights
  10. لَهَا (lahā) – Root: ل-ه (L-H) – Definition: To her, for her

24. Meem (م): Resembles a beaker with water flowing down, penetrating: welcome to God’s Kingdom, the flow of life, love, praise, belief, dependency, sickness and death, examples, possibilities, clarity and Excellence.

   – Usage: Life: Perfection, Clarity, Possibilities, Examples, Praise, Belief, Excellence.

   – Example: “Mu’min” – believer.

   – Root: M-M-N (م-م-ن)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the fluid and flowing aspect of belief or faith, akin to flow of guidance into the believer.

More examples:

  1. مُؤْمِنٌ (muʾminun) – Root: م-ؤ-م-ن (M-ʾ-M-N) – Definition: Believer, faithful
  2. مَنْصُورٌ (mansūrun) – Root: م-ن-ص-ر (M-N-Ṣ-R) – Definition: Victorious, triumphant
  3. مُتَعَلِّقٌ (mutaʿalliqun) – Root: م-ت-ع-ل-ق (M-T-ʿ-L-Q) – Definition: Attached, dependent
  4. مَرْضٌ (marḍun) – Root: م-ر-ض (M-R-Ḍ) – Definition: Disease, illness
  5. مَنْزِلٌ (manzilun) – Root: م-ن-ز-ل (M-N-Z-L) – Definition: House, residence
  6. مُبِينٌ (mubīnun) – Root: م-ب-ي-ن (M-B-Y-N) – Definition: Clear, evident
  7. مَرْحَبًا (marḥaban) – Root: م-ر-ح-ب (M-R-Ḥ-B) – Definition: Welcome
  8. مَشْهُورٌ (mašhūrun) – Root: م-ش-ه-ر (M-Š-H-R) – Definition: Famous, well-known
  9. مَوْجٌ (mawjun) – Root: م-و-ج (M-W-J) – Definition: Wave
  10. مَفْعُولٌ (mafʿūlun) – Root: م-ف-ع-ل (M-F-ʿ-L) – Definition: Object (in grammar)

25. Nun (ن): Nasal. Resembles a sprouting plant or illuminating sun (dot) over land.

   – Usage: Life, Growth, Illumination.

   – Example: “Nur” – light.

   – Root: N-W-R (ن-و-ر)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the vitality and growth of light or enlightenment, akin to the sprouting of a plant or the swimming motion of a fish.

More Examples:

  1. نَاصِرٌ (nāṣirun) – Root: ن-ا-ص-ر (N-Ā-Ṣ-R) – Definition: Helper, supporter
  2. نَبَاتٌ (nabātun) – Root: ن-ب-ت (N-B-T) – Definition: Plant, vegetation
  3. نَمْرٌ (namrun) – Root: ن-م-ر (N-M-R) – Definition: Tiger
  4. نَشَاطٌ (našāṭun) – Root: ن-ش-ط (N-Š-Ṭ) – Definition: Activity, vitality
  5. نُورٌ (nūrun) – Root: ن-و-ر (N-W-R) – Definition: Light
  6. نَدِيمٌ (nadīmun) – Root: ن-د-م (N-D-M) – Definition: Intimate, close friend
  7. نَارٌ (nārun) – Root: ن-ا-ر (N-Ā-R) – Definition: Fire
  8. نَظَرَ (naẓara) – Root: ن-ظ-ر (N-Ẓ-R) – Definition: To look, to gaze
  9. نَهْرٌ (nahrun) – Root: ن-ه-ر (N-H-R) – Definition: River
  10. نَفْسٌ (nafsun) – Root: ن-ف-س (N-F-S) – Definition: Soul, self

26. Ha (ه): Resembles a circled hand as to blow into, or a billow or a window or furnace opening:

   – Usage: Guidance, Light, Warmth.

   – Example: “Hidayah” – guidance.

   – Root: H-D-Y (ه-د-ي)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the open and guiding aspect of guidance or enlightenment, akin to the gesture of an open hand or the illumination of a window.

More examples:

هَدْأَةٌ (hadʾatun) – Root: ه-د-أ (H-D-ʾ) – Definition: Calmness, tranquility

  1. هُدًى (hudan) – Root: ه-د-ي (H-D-Y) – Definition: Guidance
  2. هَمْزٌ (hamzun) – Root: ه-م-ز (H-M-Z) – Definition: Resilience, determination
  3. هُدُوءٌ (hudūʾun) – Root: ه-د-و (H-D-W) – Definition: Quietness, stillness
  4. هُدْىً (hudyan) – Root: ه-د-ى (H-D-Y) – Definition: Guidance
  5. هَوَاءٌ (hawāʾun) – Root: ه-و-ا (H-W-Ā) – Definition: Air, atmosphere
  6. هَلَاكٌ (halākun) – Root: ه-ل-ك (H-L-K) – Definition: Destruction, ruin
  7. هَرْبٌ (harbun) – Root: ه-ر-ب (H-R-B) – Definition: Escape, flight
  8. هُدْنَةٌ (hudnatun) – Root: ه-د-ن (H-D-N) – Definition: Truce, ceasefire
  9. هُمْزٌ (humzun) – Root: ه-م-ز (H-M-Z) – Definition: Whisper, murmur

27. Wa (و): Resembles a paper clip or hook connector:

   – Usage: Unity, Connection, And, Linkage.

   – Example: “Wahy” – revelation.

   – Root: W-H-Y (و-ه-ي)

   – Elemental Description: Symbolizes the connection or linkage between the divine and the human, akin to the crescent shape of the moon or the hooking of two entities.

More Examples:

  1. وَقْعٌ (waqʿun) – Root: و-ق-ع (W-Q-ʿ) – Definition: Event, occurrence
  2. وَعْدٌ (waʿdun) – Root: و-ع-د (W-ʿ-D) – Definition: Promise
  3. وَلَايَةٌ (walāyatun) – Root: و-ل-ي (W-L-Y) – Definition: Authority, guardianship
  4. وَحْدَةٌ (waḥdatun) – Root: و-ح-د (W-Ḥ-D) – Definition: Unity
  5. وَعْيٌ (waʿyun) – Root: و-ع-ي (W-ʿ-Y) – Definition: Awareness, consciousness
  6. وَحِيدٌ (waḥīdun) – Root: و-ح-د (W-Ḥ-D) – Definition: Unique, singular
  7. وَقْفٌ (waqfun) – Root: و-ق-ف (W-Q-F) – Definition: Stop, halt
  8. وَصِيَّةٌ (waṣiyyatun) – Root: و-ص-ي (W-Ṣ-Y) – Definition: Will, testament
  9. وَسَائِلُ (wasāʾilu) – Root: و-س-ل (W-S-L) – Definition: Means, instruments
  10. وَسَاوِسُ (wasāwisu) – Root: و-س-و (W-S-W) – Definition: Whispers, doubts

28. Ya (ي): Resembles a hand or a branch with two seeds below ground:

   – Usage: Birth, Cycle.

   – Example: “Yaqeen” – certainty.

   – Root: Y-Q-N (ي-ق-ن)

   – Elemental Description: Represents the continuous cycle of birth and renewal, akin to the gesture of a hand or the branching of a tree.

More examples:

  1. يَقِينٌ (yaqīnun) – Root: ي-ق-ن (Y-Q-N) – Definition: Certainty
  2. يَوْمٌ (yawmun) – Root: ي-و-م (Y-W-M) – Definition: Day
  3. يَحْيَا (yaḥyā) – Root: ي-ح-ي (Y-Ḥ-Y) – Definition: To live, to revive
  4. يَتِيمٌ (yatīmun) – Root: ي-ت-م (Y-T-M) – Definition: Orphan
  5. يَتَامَىٰ (yatāmā) – Root: ي-ت-م (Y-T-M) – Definition: Orphans
  6. يَصْطَفِي (yaṣṭafī) – Root: ي-ص-ف (Y-Ṣ-F) – Definition: To choose, to select
  7. يَكْتُبُ (yaktubu) – Root: ي-ك-ت (Y-K-T) – Definition: To write
  8. يَسْأَلُونَ (yasʾalūna) – Root: ي-س-أ (Y-S-ʾ) – Definition: To ask, to inquire
  9. يَقُولُ (yaqūlu) – Root: ي-ق-ل (Y-Q-L) – Definition: To say, to speak
  10. يَفْعَلُ (yafʿalu) – Root: ي-ف-ع (Y-F-ʿ) – Definition: To do, to act

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